But, I do appreciate that Jason has taken me under his wing. He enrolled me in his MIT program in August when we were camping in Revelstoke and I fell absolutely smitten with my niece. I have high hopes that I will soon graduate from my Mother-in-Training program since I am anxiously awaiting to be an expectant mother. (Though I think perhaps Jason is equally as excited as us for us to have a baby sometime--hopefully--soon. Indeed he was the person I was most excited to tell that we were expecting, back in fall. And now that the secret that we're ready to start our family is out of the bag, well the pressure for us to procreate has subsided. It is my hope, however, that Jason's prayers for twins or multiples for us have also stopped. I think he and my sister said that they hoped we had twins or more just because Ryan and I plan life too much and some things (aka children) are not always supposed to planned to such a T. Well here I declare that I fully acknowledge that having children does not go according to plan. My plan has been thwarted and twins would, I think, be just too much :)
There you have it. My brother-in-law Jason, is a stand-up guy. And if any of you readers live in the Calgary area, he's also a phenomenal finishing carpenter. And he sells these snazzy garage cabinetry. See Jason, I've got glowing things to say about you and indeed, I, we (Ryan and I) would absolutely love it if you moved out our way. We can't get enough of you! (and your children are adorable and perhaps I'd progress more quickly in my MIT program if I had more hands on time with the kids)
So Jason, you get Auntie Cheryl's big stamp of approval, and a blog post to go with it. And I think you deserve it.
Go Roughriders!
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